Periodic maintenance schedule


Periodic maintenance schedule

Your vehicle needs to be tracked & done in accordance with the maintenance schedule for the car to run well, high performance.


  • R: Instead of, replace
  • I : Check, clean, replace if necessary


 Approx. (Km) x100015101520253035404550556065707580859095100
 Approx. (Miles) x10000.63691215182124273033363942454851545760
Maintenance of engine system
1Gas, oil, cooling water leak  I I I I I I I I I I
2Oil FilterR R R R R R R R R R R
3Clean the air filter IIIRIIIRIIIRIIIRIIIR
4Exhaust fan belt, broken IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
5Tighten the injector    I   I   I   I   I
6Spray pressure and injector conditions    I   I   I   I   I
7The moment of spraying        I       I    
8Filter fuel pump  I I I I I I I I I I
9Fuel FilterReplace at the time of 20,000km
10Compressor        I       I    
11Rinse the fuel tank  I I I I I I I I I I
12Adjusting the xupap gapFirst time at 5,000km, next times at 40,000km
13Pave nutI       I       I    
14Machine operating condition (start, no load, max speed, guaranty)III I I I I I I I I I
15Cooling water (replace every 2 years)   R  R  R  R  R  R  
1Train oilIReplace every 24,000km
2Journey is free of clutches, operating conditions IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
3Taper oilReplace every 2 years or 50,000km
2Cardan bearings, bearings     I  I   I   I   I
3Front wheel, after broken or broken bearings     I  I   I   I   I
4Screws, wheel nuts        I       I    
5Tire pressure, damage  I I I I I I I I I I
6Flip the tireTurn tires every 20,000 ~ 25,000km
1Oil for driving        I       I    
2Oil-driven steering systemIII I I I I I I I I I
3Drive shaft deviationAdjust and clean every 40,000km after the first adjustment of 5,000km
4Steering angle, tighten the brake nutI       I       I    
5Check the steering wheel, leaking and turning loose (during operation).III I I I I I I I I I
Brake system
1Brake fluid    R   R      R     
2Oil flow brake system IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
3Brake opening gapCheck and replace if necessary
5Brake drum        I       I    
6Free range brake pedal IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
7CompressorCheck every 1 year or 50,000km
8Air brake connectorCheck every 2 years or 100,000km
 Parking brake                     
1Parking brake functionEvery 5000km or as needed
2Brake drum  I I I I I I I I I I
3Brake pads  I I I I I I I I I I
2Optical tweezersRetighten every 50000km or as needed.
3Damaged leaf tweezers ICheck every 5,000km or as needed
4Reduced squirrel, oil flow and damage ICheck every 5,000km or as needed
1Nuts, frame detailsICheck at every 5,000km or as needed
2Oil used to lift the cabinAnnual inspection, replacement every 2 years
3Tractor coupling device and trailer, locking latch loose or broken        I       I    
4Fasteners, pull wheels        I       I   

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Branch network

The Hanoi branchThe Hanoi branch
Address: Km14 + 500, National Road 6, Do Lo, Yen Nghia Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi
Phone number: 0987.562.123
Nghe An BranchNghe An Branch
Address: National road 1A, bypass, Vinh city, Nghe An
Phone number:
Binh Dinh BranchBinh Dinh Branch
Address: Highway 1A, Phuoc Loc Commune, Tuy Phuoc District, Binh Dinh Province
Phone number:
Da Nang branchDa Nang branch
Address: Highway 1A, Hoa Phuoc Commune, Hoa Vang District, T.P Da Nang
Phone number:
Ho Chi Minh BranchHo Chi Minh Branch
Address: National Road 1A, Quarter 1. Tan Chanh Hiep Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone number:
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